Spokane GC2006 Reflections

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

First Legislative Day-6/13

Today was a full day.

As with most early convention days we started with early morning Committee meetings. I am serving on the Communications Committee with Brian Prior from Church of the resurrection, Spokane Valley. Most of committee work involves tweaking, clarifying and amending resolutions before the get to the convention floor. There is also an opportunity for individuals to go to these meetings and testify. Our committee finished our initial batch of resolutions and now is in recess until the second round.

We officially opened the Convention with our first daily morning Eucharist and bible study. The preacher was the Presiding Bishop, Frank Griswold, and presider was the President of the House of Deputies, George Werner. Each day we will have this opportunity to come together and celebrate our common life together in the context of a Eucharist. This provides an opportunity to reflect on and prepare for the work to be done.

After the Eucharist we started off our business session. Most of the first days sessions involved the business of just getting started (welcome speeches, election of a secretary, certifying a quorum etc.). Once we got that out of the way we had the privilege of being greeted by the Archbishop of York, John Sentamu. He had a powerful story to tell about his own experiences and the opportunities we are presented with. He also brought greetings from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. If you are interested in reading his message you can find the text of it here.

The afternoon was filled with more committee meetings and another legislative session. After the legislative session our deputation met for our nightly caucus. These meetings provide a great opportunity for us to learn what is going on in other parts of the convention that we are unable to attend.

After the caucus we had time for a short dinner and then it was off to a U2charist (featuring videos of Bono and an outstanding sermon by Bishop Michael Curry) or to a hearing by the Special Committee. This committee has been setup to handle all resolutions that pertain to the Windsor Report and our response to it. I chose to go to the U2charist and am unable to report on what happened at the committee meeting. Hopefully we can post an update or reflection to that meeting tomorrow.

After the evening session it was time to unwind from a long day and prepare for the next one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comments Bryan. It is nice to hear what the delegation is experiencing. You are in our prayers.

9:46 PM  

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